Friday, January 27, 2012

The Gift of the Present

"Today was like a shadow. It lurked behind me. It's now gone forever. Why is it that time is such a difficult thing to befriend?" 

Time accompanies us like a friend, though often a friend denied or ignored. We can't recapture what was offered yesterday. It's gone. All that stands before us is here, now.

We can nurture the moment and know that the pain and pleasures offered us with each moment are our friends, the teachers our inner selves await. And we can be mindful that this time, this combination of events and people, won't come again. They are the gift of the present. We can be grateful.

We miss the opportunities the day offers because we don't recognize the experiences as the lessons designed for the next stage of our development. The moment's offerings are just, necessary, and friendly to our spiritual growth."

"I will take today in my arms and love it. I will love all it offers; it is a friend bearing gifts galore." (C) 2012
Thank you Jim for your post, and as always, please feel free to comment, or submit a request of your own.
Create a wonderful life!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Money and Energy"

This is a wonderful video by Bruce Lipton, Phd, on how our energy is expended and what the outcome is. In the video, Bruce compares our thought energy to a check book - with each thought that goes out, we are writing an energy check. The key is to be aware if the check brings us a benefit or value, or whether it merely depletes our thought energy account. It's worth watching a few times.

As always, please feel free to leave a comment or submit something that you have found has added value to your life experience. Create a wonderful life!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spirit and Life

When we accept that everything is energy, and energy is neither created or destroyed, we accept the fact that everything is connected. All that 'is', is in a constant process of transformation. It may appear as though something may seem to die, however,it is really just passing into another state or form. All that 'is' comes from the same energy source, or Spirit. Spirit is present in all that lives. There is no separating myself from Spirit. Living with Spirit connects me with 'all that is'. I am a part of Spirit simply because I am a part of a living universe.  If Spirit is eternal, then life is also. Spirit is life, and life is Spirit.
As always, feel free to comment or submit something that inspires or moves you. You never know who's life may be enhancing through sharing.
Create a wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Small Victories

We do not need to move mountains in order to experience a sense of victory. We only need to keep our mind clear and our goals well grounded. There is nothing like the feeling of successfully completing real day-to-day objectives that produce a feeling of well-being. Small daily victories have their own rewards. Small victories allow Spirit energy to flow through us and find expression in simple ways, like a smile to a passerby or a hug to a loved one.  When we put our heart and Spirit into our daily actions, being aware of the moment,  we become closer to each other and to our Higher Power.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Remember To Be Aware

'Remembering' means remember to be aware. Remember to be aware in this moment right now. Being aware means being present in the moment - noticing the sounds around you, the scent in the air, the things you see around you, the feel of what you are doing, and the taste of life at this very moment.

Most people remember what was, the thing they did not want then and do not want now. They are replaying the old movie they created in the past, reliving it over and over again. They are not  aware that they are being controlled by those thoughts and memories, and are therefore creating their life unconsciously.

When you remember to be aware in the moment, the old movies and memories lose their power, and dissolve. You just have to remember to remember to be aware!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food for Thought

What’s in a Word

Everything in the world we live in is energy in one form or another – this is scientific fact. From the clothes we wear, to the homes we live in even the words we speak. How is it that a word is energy, and how does it take form?

Simply put, a word is the collective of letters and when audibly pronounced, creates a sound vibration that resonates out into the ether. Through our sense of hearing combined with our intellectual faculty of reasoning, our mind creates an image on our ‘inner screen’, and a form is created.

For example, let’s take the word “egg”. Our belief system tells us that an egg in its rudimentary form is the seed of life. However, the word “egg” is nothing more than 3 letters put together. If you are of Asian ancestry, for example, the word means nothing to you. When we audibly pronounce the three letters, our mind brings up an image that has been stored in our internal database. The image is oval in shape, possibly white or brown in color, weighing but a few ounces, and quite edible when processed prior to maturation of the contents. Do you see the image in your mind now?

What if you were to question the meaning or implanted image of the egg? What if you were to ask, “Who originally decided to allocate the word “egg” to this collective form of energy?” How far back would you have to go?

Now take your attention and focus off the egg – what happens? Where did it go? When we start to question other things or habits in our life with the same intention, what we thought ‘just is’ starts to dissolve. It is at this point that we may implant our own definition or understanding or habit to what we choose it to be. Through the use of focus and attention, combined with our higher faculties of Perception and Will, we have the power to create and recreate what we personally choose to believe, experience or have. We have the power to bend and shape our own reality once we start to question what we were taught as being “Is”.

© Kevin Hanna 2012