Holding the belief that Spirit and I are separate brings forth the issue of accountability in that I relinquish the absolute fact that I am the creator, the manifestor of experiences in my life. Spirit is not something separate from me that I go visit on Sundays for an hour or two - Spirit is part of the very fabric of my being - it's always present, always active, always aware. Spirit lives in all of us - it beats our hearts, and fills our lungs with oxygen, and heals our flesh wounds without a second thought.
Spirit, however, cannot solve our life challenges or concerns, but can provide guidance and solutions when we allow ourselves to accept it into our lives all of the time, in every moment. Spirit is for us in every instance, in every situation. It is up to us to abide by the foundational laws that Spirit acts through, for it is Universal Spirit that has written the Universal Laws in the tablets of successful living and self-manifestation.
Today, I accept Spirit as the higher part of me, and I shall act and behave according the laws under which it also abides.
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