Saturday, November 12, 2011

Laughter is the best Medicine

Whether it's watching a funny movie, playing a game with my friends, reading a humorous book, or finding a way to just be silly, I will get in touch with my playful side and have fun. A balanced life means experiencing laughter along with being serious. Not only am I willing to be a responsible adult, but I'm also willing to laugh, have fun, be playful, be childlike, and enjoy the simplest of pleasures.

"Come to me as a child.." Jesus of Nazareth

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Perception

 In solitude, I allow myself to fully view my own thoughts and feelings. When I become aware of what feels like garbled data, and  understand more clearly what I am seeing, feeling and hearing, then I am ready to grow. Some days, learning how to live feels like struggle, but then I consider the alternatives - living a hollow and meaningless life, wasting or even resenting life, living stupidly and blundering mindlessly along, living only on the surface, never letting anything or anyone really touch or move me is certainly not living by my divine plan. When I consider the alternatives, it puts the struggle in perspective, and from there I create a new wondrful experience.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

On Success

  So laugh often and much,
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better;
Whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.    Emerson

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Wolf and the Crane

A wolf had been eating when a bone became stuck in his throat. Soon, the pain became excruciating. He rushed to a pond, thinking water would loosen the bone. But he could not swallow. Frantic, he looked around and saw a crane watching him. "I would give anything," he rasped, "if you would remove this bone from my throat. Your neck is long and your beak is strong. Please help me."

The crane agreed. It lowered its neck and put its long beak into the wolf's throat, removing the bone. "I would now like the reward you promised," said the crane.

But the wolf growled. "It is enough that you have placed your head into my strong jaws, and I have spared your life. Be gone with you, or you will be my next dinner.
The Moral of the story: An enemy's promises were made to be broken. (author unknown)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Success and Fear

Success is not achieved by working through other people's standards. However, if we do our best according to the standards we think the Universe has in mind, we'll be successful. And from the Universe we'll always receive unconditional love and acceptance.
Sometimes we are haunted by fears that our best isn't good enough. Those fears hinder our performance, thus validating them. We can slip into those immobilizing fears if we aren't of them.

Our higher power will help us do whatever task lies before us when we live within the parameters of natural law.  Our job is simply to go forth, taking the Universe as our partner, and set about completing the task. We will not falter if we remember where our strength rests comes from lies.

Self-esteem is one of the byproducts of a job done in accordance to natural law. An additional byproduct is that we learn quickly to rely on those irrefutable laws, thus reducing the time we give to fear.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Being Connected

Today, I look forward to the beauty, blessings, wonders and meaning that is present within our simple, everyday life. Our world is extraordinary, but I have to show up to experience it. Miracles are born all around us every moment of every day. They surround me every day, yet to walk right by them as if they contained no mystery, no magic, no soul is denying ourselves the fulfillment which is life itself. If I want to see these miracles and wonders, I will start where I am. From this moment on, I will 'stop to smell the roses'. It is all right here, it always was - I just need to be aware.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Wonderful Thought to Repeat

I am so happy and grateful now that I am aware of the XFactor in my environment, and in my paradigms. From this moment on, I will be in control of my choice of positive thoughts, feelings and actions. I will remain in a positive emotional vibration. Positive Universal God-force energy, and all of it's blessings and wonders, now resonate with and are attracted to my positive vibrational experience. I here and now, both openly and gratefully, accept ALL of these wonderful blessings.