Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas, Love and the Law of Attraction

"And now, for a bit of holiday silliness with a very serious message:

To receive, manifest or attract anything you desire, “send a letter to Santa Claus”:

* Ask: This is your energetic vibration; your intention; your desire. Ask in the spirit of Love. That puts you on the “Nice” high-vibration list as opposed to the “Naughty” low-vibration list! Kids are taught to be good and behave in order to get what’s on their Christmas list: in other words, their vibration has to be high to manifest what they desire… unless they enjoy receiving coal.

* Believe: Don’t dilute the high vibration of your desire with the low vibrations of fear and doubt; kids are taught to believe in Santa’s magical powers – flying reindeer, fitting into chimneys, delivering presents to ALL the boys and girls of the world… They are taught to BELIEVE. Santa is a representation of the true power of the Law of Attraction. Just wait… with cheerful anticipation for the chance to finally open your present.

* Let go: Don’t lessen the power of your vibration by trying to control the process or the outcome, which is a symptom of the low energy of fear and doubt. You’ve sent your letter. You’ve put it out there. Santa has it. Be patient, believe, and wait for it. There’s no point in traveling to the North Pole to get your present early (have fun finding Santa’s workshop!). It will come, as long as you keep your vibration high. It’s already yours… and it’s on its way. Feel it in your heart.

* Receive. Open your present."  (Christie Marie Sheldon)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spirit and I

Holding the belief that Spirit and I are separate brings forth the issue of accountability in that I relinquish the absolute fact that I am the creator, the manifestor of experiences in my life. Spirit is not something separate from me that I go visit on Sundays for an hour or two - Spirit is part of the very fabric of my being - it's always present, always active, always aware. Spirit lives in all of us - it beats our hearts, and fills our lungs with oxygen, and heals our flesh wounds without a second thought. 
Spirit, however, cannot solve our life challenges or concerns, but can provide guidance and solutions when we allow ourselves to accept it into our lives all of the time, in every moment.  Spirit is for us in every instance, in every situation. It is up to us to abide by the foundational laws that Spirit acts through, for it is Universal Spirit that has written the Universal Laws in the tablets of successful living and self-manifestation.
Today, I accept Spirit as the higher part of me, and I shall act and behave according the laws under which it also abides.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Honoring Self

Life is not perfect, but can be excellent. We make lots of mistakes along the journey. We may fall or trip up as we are masterpiece in progress. When we allow ourselves to be aware of this, we grow from the experience.

Many times during our lives, we commence down the path of self-change, and then become so caught up in the process that we forget to stop "and smell the roses". We forget to pay homage to ourselves for embarking on this new path of self-growth.

Healing and self-growth is a process that calls for tenacity and consistency. It takes will power to stay on this path that leads to a fruitful, joyous, healthy life. It takes effort to be an active co-creator of our lives. This path mandates that we have the courage to "shine a light or allow a light to shine on parts of ourselves that we'd rather keep private". It means having the courage to acknowledge the work that still requires attention. Honoring ourselves along the way to self-discovery, self-growth, and quite often, self-healing, is an integral part of the process.

Today, I honor myself for the progress I have made this far, and accept that I will never be perfect but can absolutely be awesome!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Moving Through Fear

"Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth. The Age of Enlightenment, which stripped nature and human institutions of gods, overlooked the God of Terror who dwells in the human soul."  Carl Jung

Fear, or as otherwise stated, "false expectations appearing real", is in our imagination. It can be a crippling dis-ease that confronts us at the most inopportune moments in life. It is a thief of our dreams, hopes and desires. It stifles millions of people every day. Is it real, or just imagined?

As my mentor and coach Bob Proctor puts it, fear is "The Terror Barrier" - a programmed response backed by emotion that determines our actions. When we hit this barrier, we have but two options - bounce off the wall and go right back to personal imprisonment, or realize what is causing the fear which allows us to move through it. Fear, or terror, lives in our paradigms and takes hold of us when we are at the point of  braking the norm - our preconditioned behaviour is fighting back, fighting for its existence in us. It is at this very moment that me must recognize it for what it is which gives us the ability to become aware of the moment. Awareness is the first step to overcoming our fears.

Today, when faced with fear, I will recognize it as the thief of my dreams, the goblin under the bed, and in doing so, I weaken its power over me.

Monday, December 19, 2011

“When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.” (Ancient Chinese Proverb)

           The student knows they are ready when a burning desire to learn and grow erupts from within like a volcano. Then and only then, the teacher appears. The teacher may seem to be a physical entity, but in reality, truth, the teacher was always there, buried under the years of lies and fear, and all the illusions of the mind, and not the heart.  Kevin Hanna Author and Entrepreneur

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Am What I Think I Am

Today, I will exercise the muscle of my mind, God's greatest gift to me, to create a vision of what I would like to do, to have, to become or experience. I will exercise this great muscle  to push me through my mental laziness and create a vision of splendor. I will allow myself to see it in all of its splendor. I will consciously accept it as being here and now. I will taste it, touch it, smell it, hear it and feel it as if it already existed in the now; as if it were already a natural part of my life. Then I will let go and let the Universe do its part by natural law. Throughout my day, I will give thanks in sincere gratitude for for the reception of this blessing.

The Universe acts by and through specific laws, and as such, so must we in order to be conscious creators of our own experience.