Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Come On Over!

It's great to see many people are still viewing my words and thoughts here at Blogspot - very inspiring indeed! Our NEW location is up and running, and waiting for you to stop on by for a visit, a read, a thought, a comment. Everyone is waiting for you at....

The water is warm over hear, so come on by!

Create a wonderful life!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Houston, We Have Touchdown

Hello one and all,
Another glorious day for creating, wouldn't you agree? The new and improved site is now up and running, and awaiting visitors. Although it still a creation in process, there are more options and benefits, more resources and more ways to connect with this new site.

As time goes on, so much more will be added to the site, including Opt-in Newsletters, Webinars and Training. Again, please feel free to share the site with those you feel would love to enhance their experiences.

See you on the other site!

Create a wonderful life!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Fresh Look

Exciting news, one and all! As you may have noticed, there have been no new posts the last couple of days - the new and improved site is being developed as I write!! The site will be MUCH more interactive and filled with great tips and free 'stuff '.

I have programmers working around the clock to create a work of art that is appealing to all who visit.
Until the site is complete (approx. 1 week...or less, we believe), I will not be posting here as I'll end up transferring it over anyway.

This blog has given me such tremendous pleasure because I know in my heart of hearts that we all are entitled to the best life we can imagine - my part is to help you facilitate the transition.

I'll post next when the site is up and running, so please be patient, and remember, repetition is the first law in learning!



Create a wonderful life!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Me, Myself and the Other Person

Through my many years involved in sales and training, I have come to one insurmountable fact - no one will ever come on board with your ideal, product or service if there is no inherent value to the other party. As the saying goes, "Two ears, one mouth". This goes with making friends and alliances as well. If your attention is primarily on yourself, you have no way of discovering what is important to the other person. We, as human beings, like to hear our name, we want attention and to be loved and admired - this is part of our spiritual DNA.  So the next time you are in the company of others, put this thought in your mind - they are just like me, in that they want to be heard and appreciated, just like me. This works miracles!

"Remember, that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his problems than he is in you and your problems. His toothache means more to him than a famine in China that kills a million people. A boil on his neck interest him more than forty earthquakes in Africa. Think of that the next time you start a conversation."  Dale Carnegie

Also, coming soon to a mind screen near you, the masterfulthoughts blog will be moving to a new domain and site. The site will be loaded with information, insights and tools to assist you in creating miracles in your life.

Feel free to leave a comment, and as always.......

Create a wonderful life!  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Note on Focus

Here is a wonderful message from Mike Dooley, creator at large. Give this your attention throughout the day, and see what happens. When we put our focus, our undivided attention on something, that 'something' expands and starts to take form. Resources, people, ideas and inspirations are attracted into your physical experience like magic. The key is to be aware and welcome that which is attracted! Enjoy...

"When you focus upon anything at all,  it's like a call goes out to every corner of the Universe, summoning ideas, strength, courage, insight, resources, and whatever else is needed to complete the laser beam of your concentration. If it's an answer you need, it will be forthcoming. If it's a choice you have to make, your options are calculated and recalculated under each scenario. If circumstances need to be arranged then every soul on the planet is consulted. And if it's help you need... we're already there." Mike Dooley (C) 2012

On another note, our new website is in the making and will be up and running very shortly. The new site will have resources far beyond what this blog can accommodate, and promises to help create miracles in the lives of those that participate in it. Oh happy days!!

Create a wonderful life!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Art of Giving

This is a wonderful lesson on Giving by Rhonda Byrne (Author of "The Secret").
Giving always leads to good things happening, because giving instantly brings happiness and joy to the giver as well as the receiver.

"Giving opens up the door to receiving. You have so many opportunities to give every day.

Give kind words. Give a smile. Give appreciation and love. Give compliments. You can give courtesy to other motorists while you are driving. You can give a smile to the car parking attendant. You can give a warm greeting to the newspaper stand person or the person who makes your coffee. You can give by allowing a stranger to go ahead of you into an elevator, and you can give by asking which floor they are going to and pressing the button for them. If someone drops something you can give a helping hand and pick it up for them. You can give warm embraces to those you love. And you can give appreciation and encouragement to everyone.

There are so many opportunities for you to give and thereby open the door to receiving."
Rhonda Byrne (C) 2012
Fell free to comment or submit a post of your own, and......
Create a wonderful life!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Horse and the Mule

Thank you, Jim, for another inspiring story! A teacher of mine once said to me, " Where I is, is where I is. BUT, where I'm going is up to me!" When we learn to accept the gifts we are born with, develope them and share them with the world, wonderful things happen.

"Traveling together, a horse sported a fine coat and a magnificent saddle with ornate decorations, while a mule was burdened with a heavy load. Its coat was matted and filled with burrs.

"Oh, how I wish I could be as beautiful and graceful as you are," the mule told the horse. "I wish, too, that I was as unburdened and carefree."

A few days later, a great war broke out and the horse went into battle while the mule carried supplies. During a skirmish, the horse was gravely wounded and lay dying upon the ground when the mule came upon him. It was then that the mule realized that in being himself, he had fulfilled his purpose and been kept safe.

The Moral of the story: Be secure in who you are.

You may look at others and what they have and wish you had the same characteristics or were in the same place as they. Ultimately, how you feel about who you are determines your level of self-esteem. Even though there are things you want to change about yourself, these things make up who you are today. No matter what your defects or imperfections, accept who you are in the present moment."

Please feel free to leave a comment, and........

Create a wonderful life!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Appreciation and Giving

Good morning! Here's a wonderful quote by Helen Keller. The joy we feel when we unconditionally help another is one of the greatest feelings and accomplishments we can experience. A simple smile or gesture, a helping hand or the strength of a shoulder - these simple acts go a very long way in creating happiness in our own lives.

"Anyone who, out of the goodness of his heart, speaks a helpful word, gives a cheering smile, or smooths over a rough place in another's path knows the hidden delight he feels is so intimate a part of himself that he lives by it. The joy of surmounting obstacles which once seemed unremovable, and pushing the frontier of accomplishment further - what joy is there like unto it? If those who seek happiness would only stop one little minute and think, they would see that the delights they really experience are as countless as the grasses at their feet or the dewdrops sparkling upon the morning flowers."  Helen Keller

Create a wonderful life!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Believing is Seeing

Thank you James for your submission. I agree - this article by Bob puts a new understanding on what wealth is and how to achieve it.

"One of the key concepts to creating wealth is to understand that money is not the goal. That's right, I said, money is not the goal.

Frequently people will tell me that they want to make money. However, I know it is not money they are really after. It is the things that money can buy and the freedom of time to do what they really want. While you may think this is an insignificant difference, it is actually the reason so many people never become wealthy.

Most of us were taught throughout our childhood that the whole point of making money is to sock it away and build our own 'nest egg'. We think of this as a type of insurance against bad fortune, accidents or old age when we can no longer work. The wealthy know that money only works when it is in motion - not when it's sitting in a bank account. You must understand that wealth is an ongoing journey of growth and circulation and if that circulation is stopped, then the flow of money will cease.

While it may seem that there are many roadblocks on your journey to wealth, the only real obstacle is what you believe, think, and feel about money. Most of us were raised with the cliché "Seeing is Believing" which is a skeptical and negative view of life. Still, we hear it our whole lives until it becomes a part of our thought process without our even realizing it. Wealthy people understand that this cliché is exactly backward - you must believe in what you can achieve before you will see it happen in your life. They know that "Believing is Seeing." The only thing that separates a millionaire from you right now is a wealthy mindset and the foundation of that mindset is belief.

Does this mean that the wealthy have some special skill or knowledge? No - but they do possess some key characteristics that help them become wealthy.

The first of these characteristics is a willingness to listen to their own heart. If you could become wealthy by listening to the masses, then the masses would be wealthy and they are not. It is a natural tendency to ask the opinions of those we love or respect. Unfortunately, we listen to their comments and biases not taking into account the results in their own lives. We make a decision to listen based on our emotional attachment rather than by looking at what they have achieved. How can anyone who has not accumulated wealth advise you on how to do it? They can't.

A second characteristic of the wealthy is the ability to act when opportunities present themselves. Opportunity is often imagined to be something that you can't miss or pass up. However, I know from personal experience that opportunity is often only a whisper that comes during some of the most trying times of life. If you read the life stories of very wealthy and successful people, you will frequently find they were fired from jobs, kicked out of school or dealt with significant personal tragedies that other people would view as devastating. Instead, they viewed the challenges as opportunities and prospered.

The wealthy also understand that wealth is an ongoing process. It is not a destination you arrive at one day and then stop. It is also rarely accomplished overnight - although it can occur in a short period of time. However, if you gain wealth before you have gained a wealthy mindset then you are in danger of losing that wealth forever. We have all heard of those that win the lottery only to be near penniless a few years later. Since they were never taught to think wealthy, they have very little chance of achieving wealth that lasts and ultimately they lose what money they have.

Those with a wealthy mindset do what they love - and make money at it. Often I see individuals who are seeking wealth like it's something outside that they have to search for. In reality, wealth exists within you. You have activities and hobbies that you love and you can make these into your business if you choose to. Those who are successful and create a great deal of wealth do so because they are doing something they love. The money follows and is just a logical result of them realizing their dream. Money is not the dream.
Whether you grow up in the worst circumstance or have every advantage, you have the exact same potential inside of you to create the life you want. No matter how many times you read or hear someone talk about how to become wealthy, your life will never change until you believe that it can - Believing is Seeing."  Bob Proctor

Feel free to leave a comment or submit something that inspires you.

Create a wonderful life!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What Drives Us

Another awesome day to create miracles, wouldn't you agree? This video was sent to me from a friend, and I think it is worth watching a couple of times. The findings of these researchers is quite interesting!

Please feel free to leave a comment, or submit something of your own.

Create a wonderful life!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Horse and the Mule

Traveling together, a horse sported a fine coat and a magnificent saddle with ornate decorations, while a mule was burdened with a heavy load. Its coat was matted and filled with burrs.

"Oh, how I wish I could be as beautiful and graceful as you are," the mule told the horse. "I wish, too, that I was as unburdened and carefree."

A few days later, a great war broke out and the horse went into battle while the mule carried supplies. During a skirmish, the horse was gravely wounded and lay dying upon the ground when the mule came upon him. It was then that the mule realized that in being himself, he had fulfilled his purpose and been kept safe.

The Moral of the story: Be secure in who you are.

You may look at others and what they have and wish you had the same characteristics or were in the same place as they. Ultimately, how you feel about who you are determines your level of self-esteem. Even though there are things you want to change about yourself, these things make up who you are today. No matter what your defects or imperfections, accept who you are in the present moment.

Enjoy the post, and please feel free to comment or submit something that has moved you in one way or another.

Create a wonderful day!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Gift of the Present

"Today was like a shadow. It lurked behind me. It's now gone forever. Why is it that time is such a difficult thing to befriend?" 

Time accompanies us like a friend, though often a friend denied or ignored. We can't recapture what was offered yesterday. It's gone. All that stands before us is here, now.

We can nurture the moment and know that the pain and pleasures offered us with each moment are our friends, the teachers our inner selves await. And we can be mindful that this time, this combination of events and people, won't come again. They are the gift of the present. We can be grateful.

We miss the opportunities the day offers because we don't recognize the experiences as the lessons designed for the next stage of our development. The moment's offerings are just, necessary, and friendly to our spiritual growth."

"I will take today in my arms and love it. I will love all it offers; it is a friend bearing gifts galore." (C) 2012
Thank you Jim for your post, and as always, please feel free to comment, or submit a request of your own.
Create a wonderful life!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Money and Energy"

This is a wonderful video by Bruce Lipton, Phd, on how our energy is expended and what the outcome is. In the video, Bruce compares our thought energy to a check book - with each thought that goes out, we are writing an energy check. The key is to be aware if the check brings us a benefit or value, or whether it merely depletes our thought energy account. It's worth watching a few times.

As always, please feel free to leave a comment or submit something that you have found has added value to your life experience. Create a wonderful life!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spirit and Life

When we accept that everything is energy, and energy is neither created or destroyed, we accept the fact that everything is connected. All that 'is', is in a constant process of transformation. It may appear as though something may seem to die, however,it is really just passing into another state or form. All that 'is' comes from the same energy source, or Spirit. Spirit is present in all that lives. There is no separating myself from Spirit. Living with Spirit connects me with 'all that is'. I am a part of Spirit simply because I am a part of a living universe.  If Spirit is eternal, then life is also. Spirit is life, and life is Spirit.
As always, feel free to comment or submit something that inspires or moves you. You never know who's life may be enhancing through sharing.
Create a wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Small Victories

We do not need to move mountains in order to experience a sense of victory. We only need to keep our mind clear and our goals well grounded. There is nothing like the feeling of successfully completing real day-to-day objectives that produce a feeling of well-being. Small daily victories have their own rewards. Small victories allow Spirit energy to flow through us and find expression in simple ways, like a smile to a passerby or a hug to a loved one.  When we put our heart and Spirit into our daily actions, being aware of the moment,  we become closer to each other and to our Higher Power.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Remember To Be Aware

'Remembering' means remember to be aware. Remember to be aware in this moment right now. Being aware means being present in the moment - noticing the sounds around you, the scent in the air, the things you see around you, the feel of what you are doing, and the taste of life at this very moment.

Most people remember what was, the thing they did not want then and do not want now. They are replaying the old movie they created in the past, reliving it over and over again. They are not  aware that they are being controlled by those thoughts and memories, and are therefore creating their life unconsciously.

When you remember to be aware in the moment, the old movies and memories lose their power, and dissolve. You just have to remember to remember to be aware!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food for Thought

What’s in a Word

Everything in the world we live in is energy in one form or another – this is scientific fact. From the clothes we wear, to the homes we live in even the words we speak. How is it that a word is energy, and how does it take form?

Simply put, a word is the collective of letters and when audibly pronounced, creates a sound vibration that resonates out into the ether. Through our sense of hearing combined with our intellectual faculty of reasoning, our mind creates an image on our ‘inner screen’, and a form is created.

For example, let’s take the word “egg”. Our belief system tells us that an egg in its rudimentary form is the seed of life. However, the word “egg” is nothing more than 3 letters put together. If you are of Asian ancestry, for example, the word means nothing to you. When we audibly pronounce the three letters, our mind brings up an image that has been stored in our internal database. The image is oval in shape, possibly white or brown in color, weighing but a few ounces, and quite edible when processed prior to maturation of the contents. Do you see the image in your mind now?

What if you were to question the meaning or implanted image of the egg? What if you were to ask, “Who originally decided to allocate the word “egg” to this collective form of energy?” How far back would you have to go?

Now take your attention and focus off the egg – what happens? Where did it go? When we start to question other things or habits in our life with the same intention, what we thought ‘just is’ starts to dissolve. It is at this point that we may implant our own definition or understanding or habit to what we choose it to be. Through the use of focus and attention, combined with our higher faculties of Perception and Will, we have the power to create and recreate what we personally choose to believe, experience or have. We have the power to bend and shape our own reality once we start to question what we were taught as being “Is”.

© Kevin Hanna 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Trust That Good Will Come

"It was a slow, boring January day. We had just moved in to our new home. Construction wasn't complete. The house was a mess. All we had was a plan and a dream. There wasn't any furniture yet. We were lying around on the floor. It was too cold and rainy to be outdoors.

I don't know who got the idea first, my son or me. But we both picked up Magic Markers about the same time. Then we started drawing on the wall.

"What do you want to happen in your life?" I asked. He drew pictures of seaplanes, and mountains, and boats leaving the shore. One picture was of a video cameraman jumping out of a plane. "I want adventure," he said.

I drew pictures of a woman tromping around the world. She went to war-torn countries. She visited the mountains and the oceans and many exciting places. Then I drew a heart around the entire picture, and she sat there in the middle of all the experiences on a big stack of books. "I want stories," I said, "ones with a lot of heart."
Across the entire picture, in big letters, he wrote the word "Woohoo!" On the bottom of the wall I wrote, "The future is only limited by what we can see now." He grabbed a marker, crossed out only, and changed it to never. "There," he said, "it's done."

Thank God, the future is never limited by what we can see right now.

Before we start speaking the language of letting go, we need to understand what a powerful behavior letting go and letting God really is."
Thank you, Jim, and you are absolutely correct! Create a wonderful day, all!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Acceptance Removes Barriers

Thank you, Hazelda, for your inspiring submission. I'm sure our readers will gain from your wisdom. Accepting people or circumstances as they currently are allows us to remove the undesirable emotions and vibrations we have attached them, as well as to ourselves.

"One of life's paradoxes is that in order to change an unwanted situation, we must first accept it the way it is. If you wish to move forward in your life, first make peace with what you are presently experiencing.

John was working at a job that he had ceased to enjoy and could not wait to leave. Yet despite his extensive job search, he was unable to find new employment. Realizing that you can't leave a situation without spiritual injury unless you leave it lovingly, John decided to make peace with his job and to bless the people in it. This change of attitude freed him to move on to new employment.

Accepting people as they are is also transformational. For years, a man tried to get his elderly mother to stop complaining. One day he gave up trying to change her and accepted her faults. This experience of unconditional love opened her heart to the point where she stopped condemning herself and others.

If there is some area of your life that you are seeking to change, first practice acceptance. By acknowledging where you are and giving thanks for the good that you have received, you will release an energy that will transform you and your present circumstances."

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
--The Serenity Prayer

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Law of Cause and Effect

Every cause has its effect; every effect, its cause. There is no such thing as
chance. Everything happens according to law. Nothing in the entire universe
ever happens, unless it occurs according to law. Nothing ever escapes the law.

It is impossible for the human mind to conceive of starting a new chain of
causation, for the simple reason that every effect must have a cause; and in turn,
that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle
of cause and effect.

Ralph Waldo Emerson called The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Laws.
You are, of course, very interested in RESULTS. Your physical health, your
relationships, the respect you earn, your material income. You must concentrate
on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. That is
how the Law works.

Outlined below are four affirmations to help you focus on CAUSES:


I maintain a balanced diet and exercise
mentally and physically every day.


I maintain close contact with all of my
loving and meaningful relationships.


I treat everyone with the utmost respect.
I am a good finder.


I continually think of creative ways to provide better service.



When you put a positive out, you will get a positive back, but rarely right
away. When you put a negative out, you will get one back. Rather than be caught
by this law, we should use it. When someone gives you a positive, give them one
right back. When someone sends you a negative, step aside and let it keep on

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

5 Steps to Breathing Mediation

This morning's post is courtesy of my friends at
Meditation can be a very enjoyable and easy process if you allow it to be. This example is a simple Breathing Meditation that allows you to gain focus, centering yourself in the moment.

Enjoy the process, and create a wonderful life!

1. Right Place, Right Time
The first step to an effective breathing meditation – and most meditations, for that matter – is to find a space where you wont be disturbed. Some place quiet and dimly lit is best.

2. No Slouching

An upright and straight spine is best for effective meditation, but this doesn’t mean you have to twist your legs into a pretzel. The important thing is to be comfortable so that you’re not distracted from throbbing knees or a sore bottom. So experiment a little bit – do you prefer a chair with a straight back to lean against, or would you rather sit on the floor, a stool or even a kneeling chair? The important thing is to keep your spine straight and your body comfortable enough to avoid being distracted.

3. Pre-Med Prep

No, not the entrance exams, the relaxed focus. Let your eyes relax. You can close them partially or completely. Now take three slow, deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. When you inhale, fill your lungs as much as you can, then hold for a few seconds. When you exhale, imagine any tension in your body, worry or distracting thoughts leaving with the breath.

4. Breathin’ Easy

After three, tension reducing breaths, just allow your breath to be natural. Bring your focus to the sensations of breathing. You may notice a tickling as the air enters your nose, or the subtle rise and falls of your chest and shoulders with each breath. Observing these sensations is the focus and purpose of the meditation.

5. Judgment, Distraction and Return

When you begin your first breathing meditation, you’ll probably find your mind wandering a lot. You may also notice yourself judging or analyzing the sensations you’re observing. This is normal but not very beneficial. So whenever you notice your mind wandering or making judgments and assessments of things – either inside or outside yourself – simply bring your attention back to your breath. With practice, this will become easier and easier to do, until your mind really feels a sense of freedom from thought, distraction, worry or discomfort.
(Copyright 2012 Finer Minds)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Meeting Your Higher Self" Guided Meditation

Another awesome day in wonderland, wouldn't you agree?
This is a wonderful short guided mediataion I found on Youtube, by Bob Mangroo, that takes you into a wonderful state of mind.......if you allow it.

Enjoy, and please help spread 'the word'....

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Just Folks"

In response to my last post titled "Compassion", I have a received a poem submitted by Lloyd. When we delve deep into our very core, we come to realize that we are all the same at the soul or spirit level; we all crave growth and weelbeing and love. Thank you Lloyd for your insites in this lovely poem.


We’re always making judgements
About the other guy
This one thinks he’s really smart
That one’s very sly
Another thinks she’s really hot
One has too much to say
But in the end we’re all just folks
Trying to find our way.

You think she’s superficial
And he is just a bum
That one with the fancy car
Came right out of the slum
And little miss propriety
May not be what she seems
But we will likely never know
The stuff that makes their dreams

We’ll never know the way they feel
When they’re alone at night
Or how they really see themselves
With no one else in sight
The fronts that people show to you
are seldom who they are
Its just the mask they show the world
To cover up their scars

I don’t know the way I’m seen
I can’t guess your thoughts on me
Do I appear as cold as ice
Or do I seem too free
Do you think I’m way too bold
Or am I seen as stone
I only know that down inside
We’re each of us alone

Some wear that mask to hide the hurt
Of failures large or small
To show to everyone around
That they don’t care at all
Some only crave a little warmth
Some love to make them strong
But how we see the face they wear
Is very often wrong

Each one of us, and all of us
The best of us, and worst
Those that are blessed among us
And those that are most cursed
All have one thing in common
As we struggle through each day
For in the end we’re all just folks
      Trying to find our way.  

((C) 1995 with the permission of the author)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

An Excercise For Compassion

This exercise is taken from the "Avatar" course offered by Harry Palmer, and can be found in the book "Techniques for Exploring Consciousness - Resurfacing".

I have found this exercise very beneficial when I find myself in a circumstance of irritation or anger towards another. It is most effective when you repeat the steps three times. Upon completion, gage yourself - how do you feel now towards this person, and towards yourself?

As always, enjoy and please feel free to comment. If there is a post you would like to contribute, simply email me at

Objective: To increase the amount of compassion in the world.

Expected Results: A personal sense of peace.

Instructions: This may be done anywhere, and at any time. It is important to take a brief pause between steps to allow the intention to expand.

 Step 1: With attention on that person, repeat to yourself : "Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness in his/her life."

Step 2: With attention on that person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life."

Step 3: With attention on that person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair."

Step 4: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs."

Step 5: With attention on this person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is learning about life."

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Purpose, Vision and Goals" with Bob Proctor

What an awesome day, wouldn't you agrre?
Here's a video clip from Bob, discussing Purpose, Vision and Goals. It's quite informative, and also sheds a new light on what we think our purpose, vision and goals really are.
Enjoy and create a wonderful day!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thinking Into Results

Create Your Future Now Or Your Environment Will Do It For You
I think it’s fair to say that everyone knows someone who is constantly complaining about everything and everyone around them, while at the same time they wonder why their own life is drab and full of challenges. How did they become so bitter and spiteful, and how do they actually live with themselves? They are absolutely no fun to be around, unless you are just like them.

As a Professional Coach and Transformation Facilitator for Bob Proctors’ critically acclaimed “Thinking Into Results” program, it is quite easy to determine the cause, and will be for you once you understand the mechanics at work within each of us. It works the same for every living soul in every country all the time. The answer, and you may have heard this before, is “We become what we think about.” (James Allen)

A very powerful lesson we cover during the 12 week “Thinking Into Results” program is called “The Secret Genie”. During this lesson, participants come to realize and understand that we have 5 physical senses (site, smell, taste, hear and touch), and that we have been programmed since birth to judge ourselves and our worth by what we experience in the environment around us. This information is then directly and immediately fed to our Subconscious Mind because we become emotionally attached to it – we take ownership of it, it becomes ours. Later on during our sessions, we discover that we have more powerful tools, such as Will, that allow us to look at the environment then consciously accept or reject the same information picked up through our senses. This outside information obtained from our environment has absolutely no weight when it comes to our actual worth or potential. It is a self-professing prophecy when we allow this to occur.

Now what if you exercised your Perception faculty, one of the higher faculties we all have that distinguishes us from other life forms, invoked the Law of Polarity, that states everything has a positive and negative aspect or pole, and looked for the opportunity in the situation or event? We would then internalize a positive thought or image, while simultaneously attracting to us other events or circumstances of the same positive nature. This is the power of knowledge, and knowledge is developed through study – this is “Thinking Into Results”.

Given the choice, what would you choose – a life of doom and gloom, or a life of many blessings? Each takes the same amount of energy to create, so why waste time and energy creating a miserable existence. We can think our way into a positive or a negative life – the choice is yours.

As a Licensed Transformation Facilitator, I combines forces with companies and individuals to help them create and achieve the results they are committed to. To contact me, or to republish this article, please send your request to

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why am I Stuck?

What an awesome morning! This morning, my intention was to post a short video I created that explores the workings of our miraculous mind, however, the file is is not compatible with this program for some reason.
So what I have posted is the audio portion in writeen form.

Enjoy, and feel free to share!
Create a wonderful day!

"I'd like to thank you in advance for taking the time to explore the
answer to a question that may have stifled you for some time now? The question :
“Why am I stuck?”

Allow me to set the stage. You've probably read numerous books on motivation and self-help, and attended various seminars hosted by 'new age gurus'. You may even have a library that consists of 100's if not 1000's of dollars worth of DVD's, CD's, MP3's, ebooks and a veritable plethora of other programs designed to set you free. Does this sound familiar to you, or do you know someone like this?

In all fairness, this was me. Continually searching, continually spending and continually stuck – not to mention, perplexed as to why, after all that work, I am not where I want to be! So, what are my choices? There are only 2 – Give up, succumb to being average, living a mediocre life, with a mundane job that has no stimulation but merely allows me to exist, OR, do I persist in my search?

All successful people have several traits in common, one being Persistence. They would not, could not give up. They did not know why, they just knew they had to continue. If I may ask, which scenario best describes you? If you chose the second option, hold on to your seats because what I am about to share with you may rock your world.

Prior to 1934, the 'thinkers' of the world, you know the ones, anyone who had anything to do with human potential and how the mind works, assumed that the mind and the brain were one and the same – control central. In fact, the mind, however, is not a quantitative, measurable mass, but a function. It was in 1934 that a chiropractor from San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Thurman Fleet, created a very simple picture of the mind and how it works. This allowed us to not only understand the mechanics of the mind, but to also consciously work with the mind and its mechanics to produce the results we truly desire.

Up to this point, we looked at our outside environment as the cause of our results, instead of looking at this environment as the results of the cause. The picture consists of 2 circles, some legs, and some arms. The top circle represents your mind, and consists of 2 parts – the top half is your Conscious Mind, and the bottom is your Subconscious Mind.

Our Conscious mind is our place of reason, the place where our thoughts are generated, and received or rejected. Remember, we are born with Free Will (which distinguishes us from the animal kingdom) that includes our ability to consciously monitor our thoughts.

Our Subconscious Mind is the place where we store the thoughts, ideas and memories that we have emotionally charged and have accepted, whether by choice or not. The Subconscious Mind is our feeling, emotional mind. This is where our beliefs, or Paradigms are stored. A Paradigm is a collection
of ideas or thoughts that lead to a specific set of actions, that in turn create specific results – over and over and over again. To change the results, we must change the paradigm. To change the paradigm, we
must change what we allow to to be stored in the subconscious mind. This is where our free will to consciously choose our thoughts comes in to play.

A thought that is intentionally or unintentionally held in our conscious mind, and that has been emotionally charged, positively or negatively, is directly fed to the subconscious mind. The key here is repetition. Carl Jung said “Repetition is the mother invention.”

We have the ability to directly feed our subconscious mind with whatever it is we desire. Remember,the subconscious mind MUST accept what is impressed upon it – it does not have the ability to reject or choose, as those are traits of the conscious mind. If you want to know what you've been thinking, simply look at your results. The unfortunate part is that to some degree we have been hard wired since conception through our
DNA from generations who have gone before us. Although, as of yet, we are not able to completely alter our DNA, we can dramatically change it to allow for more beneficial results.

Let's go back in time to when you were a child. Your conscious mind, this tiny muscle, was not developed, it was an infant like you. Everything in your environment had direct access to your subconscious mind. It was like a garbage pail with the lid open – everything freely goes in. So if you
lived in an environment of lack, chances are you live in lack today. If you lived in an environment of smokers, chances are you smoke, or did smoke.

When we went to school, we were instructed to learn all of this 'stuff'. We didn't know why, we were simply told to do it. Then we were tested to see how much of this stuff we remembered, and were given a pass/fail grade to judge our worth. Now lets jump ahead to present day. Remember the books and tapes and seminars and programs that didn't work? I'll bet you remember the contents, don't you?

You see, the problem doesn't lay in knowing, it lays in doing. There are 1000's of over-educated broke people wandering the streets, scratching their heads saying “You said if I got a good education, I would
go all the way?” We were never taught what to do with the information, just remember it. So now you're probably wondering what actually influences the mind.

As totally functioning human beings, we are born with 5 physical senses – sight, smell, touch, taste, hear/sound. It is with these senses that we are conditioned to gather information from our environment. They are always on, they don't sleep when we sleep. Like little antennae, or satellite dishes in this era, these senses are hardwired in to the subconscious mind. Since they are always on, they are continuously gathering information, and quite often from sources that have absolutely no benefit to us – like the media, or conversations in our auditory range. It is through these senses that we have been conditioned to react to
our environment. We sense something good, we feel good. We sense something bad, we feel bad.

If you want positive results, keep your senses in range of the results you truly desire. This is why wealthy, or healthy people hang out with people just like them. It is not because they are snobs, it is because it is through their consciously directed thought process that they have been attracted to each other. They are resonating on the same thought frequency.
Rather than use your 5 senses to influence your mind, we are also born with much higher faculties, which we are not taught to use. These higher faculties are found in our Intellect, and there are 6: Perception, Will, Imagination, Memory, Intuition and Reason. My favorite by far is Imagination. “Whatever we can hold I our mind, we can hold in our hand.” (William James)

We have the God-given ability to create any fantasy in our mind that we choose. All men and women are created equal. We all have the same abilities, the same senses, the same intellectual faculties, AND
the same inherent desire for growth, expansion and love.

So to create the results you desire -
1. Change the thought pattern and its frequency in the Conscious Mind.

2. Emotionally charge the thought and hand it over to the Subconscious Mind again and again and again.

3. From here, the old, destructive paradigm and self-image is replaced with a new more favorable paradigm. This new paradigm controls your actions, and your actions control your results.

We are pure potential waiting to be expressed in a physical world in the manner that we choose.

Therefore ….....
“Create your future now, or someone will do it for you.” Kevin Hanna(C)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Song That Moves The Spirit

Although this song was posted some time ago, I've received a request to repost it (thank you James!). I've personally found the lyrics of this song to change in meaning for me over the years. Once upon a time, I did feel wretched and lost, other times, I've just felt lost. I've come to my own conclusion that Grace is everywhere, all the time, and Grace lives in me. At times when I feel off or down, it is my feelings, my 'early warning system', that is letting me know that I am in a downward vibrational spiral. It is the Grace within me, the Love within me, that elevates me to a better place.

Have a listen, and see what you think or feel. Enjoy, and create a wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unconditional Love

Love is such a misunderstood word, yet used so frequently. We say "I love you" to our friends and family, or "I love that pair of shoes" as a show of desire for something inanimate. But what is love? How can it be measured, or can it? Can we see or touch or smell love?

Love is a feeling, but it is also the highest form of energy; it is what connects us to our Higher Power, be it God, the Creator, Universe, Alah or whatever 'name' you place on your belief of the Higher Power.
However, love is also an act - an act of kindness or generosity. It is something that we can give freely and unconditionally. It is a smile to a stranger on the street, or a hug to someone who is feeling down. Love costs us nothing to give, but its rewards are unlimited. The feeling alone that we receive when we freely give love is more than any amount of money can buy.

As you go through your day, what simple act of love are you committed to doing to make the world a better place?

"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."

Emily Dickenson 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Part 2

"Tapping Into Miracles"

While following along with Margaret, or if you have written out the script and tapping points for each phrase, it is extremely warming to feel your vibration change positively, and then notice the anticipation that comes along with it!

Enjoy tapping, and feel free to leave a comment or submit a post of your own!

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Part 1

I was introduced to EFT through Margaret Lynch about a year ago, and I have used this successfully to release blockages of varying types, and attract wonderful experiences into my life. It looks silly, but it is fun, and with repetition, amazing things happen!

Today's post is 2 parts - first, an introduction to EFT with Margaret, and the second is "Tapping Into Miracles".

Enjoy, and as always, your feedback or posts are welcome......

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Being in the Now

The following is an excerpt from Eckhart Tolle’s best-selling book, “The Power of Now”. During my younger years, as with many others, I had allowed memories (especially traumatic memories) to take control of my life experiences. For more than a decade and a half, these traumatic memories were held in the forefront of my consciousness, in the Now, which perpetuated a life of dark and destructive events and circumstances. Had I known then what I know now, life would have been different. But then again, maybe I was meant to live my life that way at that time so as to learn a very powerful lesson.

“Negativity and Suffering Have Their Roots in Time”

"Usually, the future is a replica of the past. Superficial changes are possible, but real transformation is rare and depends upon whether y0u can become present enough to dissolve the past by accessing the power of the Now. What you perceive as future is an intrinsic part of your state of consciousness now. If you mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future – which, of course, can only be experienced as the Now.

You may win ten million dollars, but that kind of change is no more than skin deep. You would simply continue to act out the same conditioned patterns in more luxurious surroundings. Humans have learned to split the atom. Instead of killing ten or twenty men with a wooden club, one person can now kill a million just by pushing a button. Is that real change?

If it is the quality of your consciousness at this moment that determines the future, then what is it that determines the quality of your consciousness? Your degree of presence. So the only place where true change can occur and where the past can be dissolved is in the Now.”

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Trinity

The video below is one that was sent to me from a friend some time ago. Depending on your views and beliefs, you may or may not be open to the message in it, and that's OK. It's when we don't open our mind to different points of view that our higher faculty of Perception weakens, and we begin to see only one side to everything, and take on an "I am right and you are wrong" paradigm.

Keep an open mind and feel free to leave your comments.....
PS. You can cancel out the ad that comes along with it......or's your choice....

Friday, January 6, 2012

Setting Your Vibrational Tone

This is an awesome video sent to me that has some really great thoughts in it. The video features Esther Hicks and "Abraham" - it's your choice to accept or reject the idea of "Abraham". The message itself is quite powerful if you allow yourself to accept it.

Enjoy, and as always, feel free to share the blog link or submit something that moves you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Your Voice is Desired to Be Heard

While gazing at the rising moon from the comfort of the grass in my back yard, I was inspired to write this request. The intention of this blog for 2012 is to touch the lives of 10,000 around the world - our friends and family, our neighbors our coworkers - all that would bare witness to a wonderful change in their lives.

Having said that, I am putting it out to the 'Universe at Large' that it is my desire that your voice, your thoughts be heard as well. Is there something that moves or inspires you? A quote, a story, a video or song, an inspiration an idea - something that caught your attention, or moved you, or helped you to see life with new eyes......

If this is you, or someone you know, please send me a message @
We never know how we can help the lives of others until we make the decision to do so.

I and everyone who follows this blog greatly appreciate your input.

From me to you,

Follow Your Heart

Marcus Aurelius once said, "How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks." In this beautiful world we live in, there is more than enough to go around, and if one resource is 'lacking', another will be created to take its place.

The same holds true for man. When we exert our time and awareness seeking and pondering the resources of our neighbor, we are giving our power, our life source to them. The false desire to be like someone else, to have what they have, to do what they do is not congruent with our own individual Spirit. Ingrained in each of us is a purpose - something our heart and soul resonate with. Though it may appear to be as an other's, it is our own self expression which is unlike any other. We may look to another and appreciate what they have, or do, and in doing so, we maintain our individual desire or purpose.

"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere to self." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Self Confidence

In today's world, we are bombarded with doom and gloom from the media, friends, family and just about every meeting place we rest our feet. Are there challenges in the world? Sure there are, but there always have been and always will be - it is part of the human plight for self. Every day we are confronted with obstacles and challenges, and it is every day that we must step up to the plate, stare the pitcher down, and hit that home run.

When we buy into the negative energy in our environment, we become one with that energy, and as a result we vibrate or resonate at the same frequency. Here, the "Law of Laws", or The Law of Attraction kicks in and we attract like circumstances and events into our experience. Through the use of our marvelous mind and the faculty of our Will, we have the power to step back, become aware of the information, then accept or reject it. If we buy into this destructive energy, it will feed that annoying little voice that natters away, and become emotionalized in our very being.  Through Self Confidence, we build a fortress against this vile enemy, and our dreams gain measurable power.

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours...."  Henry David Thoreau  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Self Love and Helping Others

As with so many people around the world, I awoke at the break of 2012 and wondered "What do I want to create this coming year?" "Do I want more of the same, or something grand?" Looking over last year turned into looking over this lifetime, and something very evident appeared to me, and it wasn't what I felt to be 'pretty'.

I realized that I wasn't giving enough of me to the people in my life, to the world at large. My intentions had always been based around income and 'me'. How could I get more money? What's in it for me? Although I truly believe that intentions spark the Universe, or God, to move into action to work with us in the attainment of our intentions, I realized that my intentions were backwards. To get what you want, you MUST help others get more of what they want - it's Natural Law.

My desires and intentions for this blog is that it grows into an online global community of people helping people - FOR FREE. At this point, this blog has several hits daily, for which I am grateful, however, it is not enough. Millions of people around the world need support, even if it is only inspirational support, and we are doing ourselves any favors by ignoring them or simply passing by.

My commitment and intention for 2012 is that this blog (which will transmute into a full website shortly) helps to improve the lives of 10,000 people around the world. It may sound big, but given the population, it is a drop in the ocean. My request of you, whoever you are that read these words, is that you leave a comment, become a follower, share the web-link, be a part of this movement.

In closing for today, I have posted the last 2 verses of "Desiderata" - these words were sent to me this morning by my father who has been an inspiration to me throughout this lifetime.

"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Fear Is Only An Illusion

"We are only alone in our minds. In reality, we are each contributing necessary parts offering completion to the wholeness of the universe. Our very existence guarantees our equality, which, when fully understood, eases our fears. We have no reason to fear one another's presence, or to fear new situations when we realize that all of us are on equal footing. No one's talents are of greater value than our own, and each of us is talented in ways exactly appropriate to our circumstances.

Freedom from fear is a decision we can choose to make at any time. We can simply give it up and replace it with our understanding of equality with all persons. Taking responsibility for our fear, or our freedom from it, is the first step to a perspective promising healthier emotional development." (Jim O'Rourke)

If I am fearful today, it's because I have forgotten the reality of my existence. I am equal to all the people in my world, and we are necessary to one another.